We’d like to extend our many congratulations and a huge note of thanks to the Forget-Me-Not fundraisers. For a number of years, our wellbeing centre has been kindly supported by the fund’s annual Valentine's Ball and plenty of other fundraising activities.
The Forget-Me-Not fund was originally set up in 2007 by Mandie Barrie after sadly losing her sister Claire to breast cancer in 2004. At the time of diagnosis, Claire was told she would have around four months to live.
This meant leaving behind her family and two beautiful children at that time aged six and nine.
Mandie said “The Beatson’s dedicated doctors and staff extended these four months to four years. Imagine if we could contribute to the next family’s four months extending to eight years or better still, curing cancer altogether”.
With this in mind, Mandie and her family started the Forget-Me-Not fund and was soon joined by sister Lyn Imrie and loyal friends, Linda McFarlane, Lynn Gillespie and Scott Macdonald. In just a few short years, the group have worked tirelessly to support our work and the fund has gone from strength to strength and has raised over £225,000 to support those living with cancer at the Beatson Cancer Charity’s Friends of the Beatson wellbeing centre.
On 15th February 2014, the group held their fourth Valentine’s ball, raising a further £60,000 to support the Beatson Cancer Charity. The picture shows the Forget-Me-Not fundraisers handing over this amazing amount at the launch of the charity.
We simply could not continue our work without the kind efforts and dedication of fundraisers like the Forget-Me-Not fund. Our thanks go to Mandie, Lyn, Linda, Lynn, Scott, their families and the loyal followers of the fund for their continued and inspirational support.
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Facebook: Facebook/beatsoncancercharity