We want to continue to raise awareness of Sarcoma cancers. Thank you to Alan Abraham for sharing with us the signs and symptoms of Sarcoma Cancer. Alan is a Sarcoma Clinical Nurse Specialist, based in The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.
These warning signs/symptoms are divided into bone and soft tissue tumours:
Bone tumours-
Soft tissues - Clinical presentations
There are also a wider range of generic symptoms such as, weight loss, night sweats, which are common in many cancers.
There are around 100 different sub-types of sarcoma. Soft tissue sarcomas are often found as a lump or swelling. Although it's much more likely you have a non-cancerous condition, it's important to have your symptoms checked by your GP – particularly if a lump is getting bigger over time. If you do experience any symptoms make an appointment.
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