Sarcoma Awareness Month- Signs to look out for

31st July 2021 12:00

Alan Abraham shares with us the signs to look out for when diagnosing Sarcoma Cancer

Alan Abraham shares with us the signs to look out for when diagnosing Sarcoma Cancer

31st July 2021

We want to continue to raise awareness of Sarcoma cancers. Thank you to Alan Abraham for sharing with us the signs and symptoms of Sarcoma Cancer. Alan is a Sarcoma Clinical Nurse Specialist, based in The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.

These warning signs/symptoms are divided into bone and soft tissue tumours:

Bone tumours-

  • Bone pain, particularly at night
  • Mass/swelling
  • Restricted movement in a joint

Soft tissues - Clinical presentations

  • Any lump increasing in size
  • Size greater than 5cm (golf ball)
  • feels like originates from deeper down, not easy to manipulate or move, doesn’t feel superficial.
  • Painful

There are also a wider range of generic symptoms such as, weight loss, night sweats, which are common in many cancers.

There are around 100 different sub-types of sarcoma. Soft tissue sarcomas are often found as a lump or swelling. Although it's much more likely you have a non-cancerous condition, it's important to have your symptoms checked by your GP – particularly if a lump is getting bigger over time. If you do experience any symptoms make an appointment.

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