The West of Scotland PET Centre at the Gartnavel Hospital is the only facility performing PET/CT scans in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This service covers the West of Scotland and Islands, scanning approximately 5,000 patients per year including Beatson cancer patients.
PET/CT scanning is considered an essential imaging tool in cancer diagnosis and assessment. During a PET/CT appointment, patients are given an intravenous injection and must wait between 1-1.5 hours in solitary patient rooms before their PET/CT scans can be started. This period guarantees that the radiopharmaceutical is absorbed correctly and produces high quality images during the scan.
Beatson Cancer Charity awarded a £10,000 grant to the West of Scotland PET Centre to upgrade their patient waiting area and eight patient uptake bays (the solitary rooms where patients must wait for the radiopharmaceutical to be absorbed into their bodies). The main aim of this funding is to reduce anxiety for patients undergoing a PET/CT scan.
The funding was used to install a TV system which displays an informative video about a PET/CT appointment and other essential information such as delays. The patient waiting area also received new signage and new furniture to improve patient comfort. Hand painted canvases focusing on Scottish nature were installed in eight patient uptake bay rooms.