Our Specialist Health and Work team is experienced in health and work issues, particularly for those who have been affected by cancer. They provide support to help people stay in their current job or when returning to work and by giving advice and guidance through every stage.
Jim recovered well from cancer treatment he wanted to return to work post cancer treatment as a joiner. Because Jim had peripheral neuropathy in both feet after treatment, returning to work at height was not an option as he could not feel his feet. Specialist Health and Work supported him and his managers to identify reasonable adjustments which allowed them to go back to work.
Katie works as an administrator in an office, she had skin cancer and is struggling since being back at work with discomfort in her eye, her appearance has changed following surgery to her face and mouth, she is very self-conscious and finds it difficult to ask for support from her work. Katie was referred for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which helped her look at her current situation and helpful and unhelpful ways of managing how upset she was and how her confidence was very low. CBT helped her build confidence to ask for better reasonable adjustments and with gentle support from Specialist Health and Work a plan was created for her and her manager.
Samuel works as a janitor, he felt well enough to go back to work. He had prostate cancer but side effects of Hormone treatment to manage cancer had uncomfortable side effects which he finds embarrassing, with encouragement they were able to talk about the side effects they have with their manager and supervisor their reasonable adjustments included:
Jill had breast cancer and wanted to return to her job as a supermarket checkout assistant. But pain and discomfort following radiotherapy and chemotherapy affected her confidence about going back to work. With the support of Specialist Health and Work, her line manager and HR, reasonable adjustments were introduced
If you are looking for more information and contact details please visit our website section on Specialist Health and work service here.