'Lou’s Army' Takes on Beatson Cancer Charity’s ‘Off the Beatson Track’

20th August 2024 12:00

"For me I see 'Off the Beatson Track' as a way of making memories with all my friends, getting them all together to do something for a good cause and to see what Beatson Cancer Charity do."

Louise Gallagher

20th August 2024

"For me I see 'Off the Beatson Track' as a way of making memories with all my friends, getting them all together to do something for a good cause and to see what Beatson Cancer Charity do."

Louise Gallagher

Louise Gallagher, from Robroyston, will lead her team, 'Lou’s Army' in the Beatson Cancer Charity’s ‘Off the Beatson Track’ event. The 10k walk takes place on Sunday 25th of August, which STV’s Laura Boyd and Heart FM and BBC’s David Farrell will be hosting.

PICTURED: Louise Gallagher


Sign up for 'Off the Beatson Track'

This year’s event holds significance for Louise, who has recently been given just three to six months to live after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer two years ago.

In 2022, after a routine smear test, Louise was diagnosed with neuroendocrine of the cervix. 

She said: "When the doctor told me that I had neuroendocrine cancer, she said there was a 1% to 3% chance of getting this type of cancer and it is not usually found in your cervix.

"So, the treatment plan was to go in on the 8th of September 2022 and have a full radical hysterectomy, and then four cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy, just to ensure that everything was gone.

"After that I think I got the all clear in the January."

Despite the staff nurse undergoing a radical hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation, Louise’s cancer has recurred multiple times and metastasised to her lungs. With treatments no longer effective, Louise has chosen to ''prioritise quality time with her family and friends''.

PICTURED: The Gallagher family at Louise's 40th birthday

The 42-year old mum of two said: "I just don’t see the point in spending three and a half months of my life sick just to die anyway and that’s why I am not taking this treatment. 

"I can just make the most of what time I have left with my family.

"I have already done a few bucket list trips.

"My daughter and I spent a week in Dubai,  my husband and I went to Vegas with my sister and brother-in-law, but we have things we want to do just the two of us as well.

"I also want to have a family holiday with my kids, Ava and Denny, aged 16 and 11, because it will probably be the last one we have."

Louise and husband, Shaun, will be part of a group of 23 of Louise's friends coming together to form 'Lou's Army'.

She said: "I cant wait for 'Off the Beatson Track'!"

PICTURED: Louise and husband, Shaun

"I had seen the poster for it up in the Beatson and I was like that would be a really good thing to get everyone involved in."

Louise added: "I am very much off the mind if I am feeling okay I am off and out.

"I am still taking the kids to school, meeting up with friends, just trying to live life as much as normal.

"I really miss my work and up until last week I was still intending on going back to work, but given now the treatment hasn’t worked and the prognosis is what it is, going back to work has went on the back burner.

"So, this is another reason for doing 'Off the Beatson Track', saying to everyone get off your butts and do something good of a good cause."

'Lou's Army' have raised nearly £5,000 for Beatson Cancer Charity through their JustGiving Page alone.

Louise said: "The staff have been amazing and I wouldn’t have gotten through this journey without them to be honest.

"As a nurse myself, seeing the work the Beatson does, even in the day units and the wards, they see nothing as a bother.

"They are amazing.

"My work is very hectic and we don’t get to spend as much time with your patients as you would like to.

"However, at The Beatson they would sit and speak to you for an hour if you needed it, so it will be good to give something back for the amount of time I have spent up here."

Louise added: "For me I see 'Off the Beatson Track' as a way of making memories with all my friends, getting them all together to do something for a good cause and to see what Beatson Cancer Charity do, because none of them really see what goes on here apart from me."

Maisie McCormick, community fundraising manager at Beatson Cancer Charity, said: “We’re delighted to be celebrating our 11th Off the Beatson Track event this year. 

“We’re so grateful to everyone who has taken part over the years – some families have been with us since the beginning, so we hope everyone will get behind the celebrations this year and join us. 

“Every single person who signs up is allowing us to support more cancer patients and their families over the years to come, and we cannot thank you enough for that.” 


For more information or to sign up to go Off the Beatson Track click here.