Alcatraz to Shore: Steven Higgins

9th July 2024 12:00

Steven Will Be Swimming 2 miles from Alcatraz Prison to San Francisco Bay.

Steven Will Be Swimming 2 miles from Alcatraz Prison to San Francisco Bay.

9th July 2024

Join us in cheering on our incredible supporter as he takes on an extraordinary challenge to raise funds for Beatson Cancer Charity.

Steven Higgins, an experienced open water swimmer, will be swimming from the infamous Alcatraz prison to San Francisco Bay tomorrow (Wednesday 10th July), covering a daunting 2-mile distance in open cold water.

Battling against strong tides and currents, and facing shark-infested waters, this is no ordinary swim!


Donate to support Steven Higgins with his Alcatraz swim


WATCH: Steven Higgins to swim from Alcatraz prison to San Francisco Bay for Beatson Cancer Charity


Steven, driven by a lifelong ambition to challenge himself, is gearing up to swim from Alcatraz to San Francisco Bay. His journey began during the COVID pandemic when he started swimming regularly, coinciding with a family trip to America.

"As we planned our holiday to San Francisco, I always wondered if I could swim to Alcatraz," Steven explained. "I didn't realise there was an organized swim event until recently."

Joining a group of 18 participants, Steven will rise early at 5am to commence the swim around 7:30am, timing it with the optimal tide conditions.

His decision to fundraise for the Beatson Cancer Charity stems from a personal connection: "My dad battled cancer and received treatment and support from both Beatson and Maggie's. Witnessing his journey, I saw how crucial it was for him to connect with others facing similar challenges."

Steven initially began swimming without the intention to fundraise, but as his passion grew, he felt compelled to contribute. "Beatson felt like the right cause to support," he said. "Originally setting a target of £500, I've already doubled that amount and aim to double it again."

If you want to take on a challenge or fundraise for our charity, find out more here.