Charities celebrate £1m fundraising milestone to help scientists in Scotland find brain tumour cure

22nd October 2024 12:00

22nd October 2024

Two leading cancer charities are celebrating a huge fundraising milestone as they work to establish a new research centre in Scotland to help find a cure for the most aggressive form of brain cancer. 

Beatson Cancer Charity and Brain Tumour Research launched a game changing collaboration in the summer and today announced they have raised the first £1 million. They are now appealing to the public to continue to support the appeal and help bring in a further £1.3 million, the sum needed to launch the Scottish Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence and fund its first five years of operation 

Based at the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, the Centre would house a team of world-leading brain cancer experts working to find a cure for glioblastoma (GBM), an incurable and highly aggressive brain tumour with a devastatingly short average survival time of 12-18 months.  

Antiques Roadshow expert Theo Burrell, 38, from East Lothian, was diagnosed with GBM, in June 2022. She underwent surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Just last week she revealed it was feared her tumour had regrown and she now faces an anxious wait until December when she will have more scans to determine any further course of treatment. 

Theo was appointed Patron of Brain Tumour Research in November 2023 and has campaigned for increased Government investment in research into brain tumours and raised tens of thousands of pounds to support the vital work taking place at the charity’s network of Centres of Excellence to improve treatment options for patients and, ultimately, find a cure for all types of brain tumours. 

“I am on a devastating roller coaster ride which is sadly all too familiar to patients and their loved ones. I live with the terrifying inevitability that my tumour will grow back and that it’s going to get me in the end. In many ways I am fortunate to have had such a good quality of life for the last two years but there is no getting away from the fact that I have an aggressive brain tumour, there is no cure and treatment options are extremely limited,” said Theo. 

“I am so, so grateful to everyone who has helped reach this incredible fundraising milestone and I would urge anyone who can help to do so – making a donation is very straightforward and every pound really does count. One in three people know someone affected by this disease and this new Centre here in Scotland will bring the hope we so desperately need and will absolutely change the story for brain tumour patients in the years to come.”

PICTURED: Theo Burrell speaking at the Scottish Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence launch

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Gillian Hailstones, CEO of Beatson Cancer Charity, said: "We are immensely proud to have reached this important milestone in our collaboration with Brain Tumour Research. Listening to Theo’s honesty and bravery in campaigning for change, clearly demonstrates the need for progress to be made. The £1 million raised reflects the generosity and commitment of our supporters and their desire to help make a difference, but there is still much work to be done. Establishing a world-class research centre in Scotland will be pivotal in advancing treatments for glioblastoma. We urge everyone to keep supporting this vital cause and help us reach the final target.”

Dan Knowles, CEO of Brain Tumour Research, said: “GBM patients need and deserve new, improved treatments. As things stand, new discoveries and approaches aren’t getting into clinical trials quickly enough. This new Centre will help to bridge the gap to support the development of clinical trials. It's a significant investment in Scotland and we are enormously grateful for the support we have received so far. We have raised £1m and need help to gain the final £1.3m. Please do consider getting in touch, giving to the cause, highlighting this opportunity on social media, or asking a local company if they would like to support us.” 


Read more about the proposed new Centre and donate here.